Thursday, September 21, 2006

MUHS College Experience: Post #5

Again, Thomas Shea ….

“Okay. So, me, Radler and three other guys from our hall go over to the Annex to get a couple of bowls in on the alley. So, we start our first game and get through that easily enough. Then, as the second game is starting, this black guy comes walking in, smoking a cigar, looking a little ghetto and had two women walking behind him. He goes up to one of the guys, says something, then walks my way and goes to shake my hand. I shake it and he proceeds to say, “Hey man, want some pussy tonight? I got a good deal.” I look at him for a second wondering if he’s real or if it’s just a joke. I realize he is serious and I say, “No no. Thanks, I already got mine tonight.” So, then he goes over to two of the other guys from my wing and starts hustling them. They told me that he said, “Yo. Look over at them pretty eyes. Look at them. Would you like to take one of them home?” Then my friend proceeds to tell him that he’s all tanked out already and couldn’t go anymore. Then the pimp and the hoe’s proceed to leave the annex and we are all wondering what the fuck just happened because you can’t get in past the security guard.”

Indeed Thomas. What ever did happen to that security guard? I suppose we will never know.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

MUHS College Experience: Post #4

Krco. The legendary, heroic, … and stunningly gorgeous younger Krco told me this story. If you know Krco, his language is deliberate and unique, making his story telling hilarious and intriguing, almost indescribable. So, without further ado, a Matt Krco College Classic.

“You want a story?! Here’s a story. I threw a ginger ale pong party. And we chanted chug really loudly to try and get busted. And then some people came in and realized it wasn’t actually beer and got mad and left. Then the housefellow came in and said, sorry guys, but I’m going to have to write you up for drinking. And we were all, It’s ginger ale!!! And it was awesome. The end.”

I love you Matt Krco.

Upon further discussions with Raman Kutty, who was a guest at this party, I was informed that it was Seagram’s Ginger Ale.